Realizzazione siti eCommerce
Realization of eCommerce sites with merchandise configurator in Turin, Ivrea, Biella and Aosta
eCommerce, also called e-commerce, is a fast growing business, to the extent of about 50% per year.
Con la realizzazione di un sito eCommerce le aziende acquisiscono un canale di vendita alternativo, il quale lavora per loro anche a porte chiuse, nei giorni festivi e nelle ore notturne.
Not being physically located on the territory, e-commerce also allows you to be present anywhere in the world.
In this way the company acquires new market segments that would otherwise be closed off, leading to an increase in turnover.
Realizzazione eCommerce.
An analysis of the market and the needs of companies allows us to create e-commerce platforms suitable for increasing business.
Our e-commerce module is easy to use.
It includes the configuration of modular shipping rates through numerous options and language support.
Trolleys with process storage, localisation, warehouse management and numerous payment methods are just a few of the many offerings.
Finally, the implementation of an e-commerce includes the product configurator.
It allows the buyer to choose product options by displaying variations in shape, color, size and price on the screen.
Visual product configurator.
Visually configuring your products is a great gimmick that can have a very positive impact on the conversion of the product display to sale.
In addition, the visual product configurator increases the customer's perception of the website's professionalism, making it authoritative, serious and an advocate of quality products.
The equivalence is simple: a company that shows professionalism, style and technological avant-garde in presenting its products with the visual configurator, cannot but be professional, organized and technologically advanced.
Below is a short video to show you how it works.
Strategie per Siti di Commercio Elettronico
We can help you devise the best sales strategies through the ecommerce platform.
Initially, educating you in order to get you running the platform in a functional way.
Subsequently to elaborate every strategy to achieve maximum visibility, to increase trust and loyalty, to stimulate interest in your brand and its diffusion.
Via Vigone 21 - 10138 Turin
Mobile Phone 1 (+39) 377 1492 307
Mobile Phone 2 (+39) 347 2374 900
Since these services can be managed entirely online, we are also operational in the rest of Italy.
- E-commerce a Ivrea e nel Canavese: Opportunità e Vantaggi per le Aziende Locali
- Building a Successful E-commerce: Where to Start and How to Meet the Challenge of the Online Marketplace
- Essential Strategies for a Successful E-commerce Launch
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