E-commerce a Ivrea e nel Canavese: Opportunità e Vantaggi per le Aziende Locali - Lycnos Web Agency

E-commerce a Ivrea e nel Canavese: Opportunità e Vantaggi per le Aziende Locali

E-commerce a Ivrea e nel Canavese: Opportunità e Vantaggi per le Aziende Locali L'e-commerce è ormai una leva strategica fondamentale per le aziende locali, soprattutto in un territorio come quello di Ivrea e del Canavese. La trasformazione…
Building a Successful E-commerce: Where to Start and How to Meet the Challenge of the Online Marketplace - Lycnos Web Agency

Building a Successful E-commerce: Where to Start and How to Meet the Challenge of the Online Marketplace

Why is E-commerce the Winning Choice? The world of shopping is changing, and e-commerce has become the main driver of this revolution. More and more people are choosing to shop online for convenience,...

Essential Strategies for a Successful E-commerce Launch

Launching a Successful E-commerce In the digital age, launching an effective e-commerce is a crucial milestone for any company aiming to expand its market reach and impact. Lycnos, with its...

Privacy, Google draws up guidelines

Source: Privacy, Google draws up guidelines - Il Sole 24 ORE "Some results may have been removed under European data protection law." This disclaimer appears at the bottom of the page to anyone searching on ...
Psychologist Susanna Scartoni Website Arezzo - Lycnos Web Agency

New Website Psychologist Susanna Scartoni in Arezzo

The new website of Dr Susanna Scartoni in Arezzo has just been published. Dr. Scartoni uses Strategic Brief Therapy, a genuine model of psychotherapy recognised internationally...

Tronus Guitars - New Website for guitar and bass luthiers in Cagliari.

Tronus Guitars, the new lutherie for guitars and basses in Cagliari run by Stefano Tronu, has produced and put online the New Website. The realization has been taken care of by Lycnos who, thanks to their knowledge of the subject,...
Lycnos Web - New Real Estate House Cagliari

Nuova Casa Immobiliare of Cagliari, published the new website by Lycnos

Finally published the new website of Nuova Casa, Real Estate Agency operating in Cagliari, Oristano and the entire south of Sardinia. The creation and publication of the website has been taken care of by Lycnos, which has provided it with a new look and feel, as well as...
Lycnos Blog

Marketing turns over a new leaf with Il Sole 24 Ore

Il Sole 24 Ore has selected the 20 titles that best represent the evolution of marketing and has collected them in the special series "Marketing Evolution". Source: Marketing turns over a new leaf with Il Sole 24 Ore
Lycnos Blog

Marketing Evolution, the new frontiers of marketing according to Il Sole 24 Ore | Prima Comunicazione

On newsstands every Wednesday with Il Sole 24 Ore, starting February 11, 2015 with Kotler "The future of marketing". Marketing is changing, as reported in the press release in fact, its evolution is increasingly influenced by the...

The "web showcase" for real estate agencies is not enough: online services must be explained

Source: The 'web showcase' for estate agents is not enough: online services must be explained Real estate agents risk being overshadowed by the products they sell. In Italy, where there is no culture of personal...
Website creation 02 - Lycnos

The Web is the best ally of companies

The Web is the best ally of companies [guest post]March 22, 2012 inShareToday on the blog of Data For Business, we host Alessio, Business Development Manager of Axiatel.com, who draws an interesting picture of the potential of the "services"...
Wedding Music - Logo - by Lycnos

MUSIC FOR WEDDING | Lycnos Portfolio

Source: Lycnos Multimedia Agency | Web, Video, Audio, Graphics WEDDING MUSIC Music and Entertainment Services for Weddings and Ceremonies Go to Website WORK PERFORMED BY LYCNOS - www.lycnos.com WEB 2013...