Entries by alexfois

Building a Successful E-commerce: Where to Start and How to Meet the Challenge of the Online Marketplace

Perché Realizzare un E-commerce è la Scelta Vincente? Il mondo degli acquisti sta cambiando, e gli e-commerce sono diventati il motore principale di questa rivoluzione. Sempre più persone scelgono di acquistare online per comodità, velocità e accessibilità. Ma la vera domanda è: perché dovresti avviare un e-commerce? Ecco alcune delle ragioni più convincenti: Accesso a […]

Privacy, Google draws up guidelines

Source: Privacy, Google draws up guidelines - Il Sole 24 ORE 'Some results may have been removed under European data protection law'. This disclaimer appears at the bottom of the page to anyone who searches Google.co.uk (and Google's other domains in Europe) for a first and last name that does not refer to [...].

The art and technique of digital imaging - Il Sole 24 ORE

Modelling enthusiast turns to 3D. Xavier Matia Bernasconi, a 33-year-old computer graphics 'wizard', is currently working in Singapore, in the south-east Sorgente: The art and technique of digital imaging - Il Sole 24 ORE ::: CONTACTS LYCNOS Email 1: lycnos@gmail.com Email 2: info@lycnos.com Mobile 1: (+39) 377 1492307 Mobile 2: (+39) 347 2374900 Call us on Skype Web: www.lycnos.com ADDRESSES Via [...]

New Website Psychologist Susanna Scartoni in Arezzo

The new website of Dr Susanna Scartoni operating in Arezzo has just been published. Dr. Scartoni uses Short Strategic Therapy, an internationally recognised psychotherapy model thanks to the work of Giorgio Nardone. It is a solution-oriented intervention of human problems, which presents theoretical foundations and operative practices in [...]

Nuova Casa Immobiliare of Cagliari, published the new website by Lycnos

Finally published is the new website of Nuova Casa, a real estate agency operating in Cagliari, Oristano and the entire south of Sardinia. The creation and publication of the site was handled by Lycnos, which has equipped it not only with an attractive, rational and friendly graphic design, but also with a latest-generation management database with various intelligent search keys. [...]

Turin capital of digital graphics and animation

Source: Il Sole 24 ORE The changing role of Turin, no longer mono-industrial, also passes through digital. For this reason, the subalpine capital becomes, from 19 to 23 October, also the world capital of digital graphics and animation, hosting 7 film premieres, great international directors, 7 special effects supervisors, 3 animation supervisors, 120 [...]